The Real Housewife of Ciudad Juárez

Border security is a big issue in past and current Immigration Policy debates. Policies in border security include measures that not only increase Border Patrol personnel at the Mexican-American borders, but also call for the erection of physical barriers between the two countries. This is true in “Operation Gatekeeper” in San Diego, California, “Operation Safeguard” in Tuscon, Arizona, and “Operation Hold the Line” in El Paso, Texas.

How does this affect the lives of families that straddle that border?

One woman, Emily Bonderer Cruz, writes all about this exact topic in her blog: The Real Housewife of Ciudad Juárez. She writes about crossing the border, about friends and family and work across the border, and she writes about her husband who is trapped behind that border.

Emily Bonderer Cruz is an American citizen who fell in love with an undocumented immigrant man from Mexico. While love (often) does not care about immigration status, Ray “Gordo” Mundo’s immigration status severely complicated their relationship. Ray Mundo, had been deported back to Mexico before he met Emily. Then he came back into the United States, again without immigration status. Then, he met Emily.  The previous order of removal meant that even if Ray and Emily were to be married, he’d have to live outside of the United States for ten years before being able to re-enter and adjust to Legal Permanent Resident status.

So, Emily moved. She moved with Ray. She moved with Ray to a border town in Mexico. And she commutes passed those giant walls, into El Paso, Texas, every morning.

In July, 2013, NPR’s This American Life featured Emily’s story. Listen to it. Read her blog. It’s fascinating.

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