Are You Thinking What I’m Thinking?
A fundamental skill which all good lawyer possess is the ability to effectively communicate ideas. According to the most recent episode of the Freakonomic Radio podcast, “the brain’s greatest attribute is knowing what other people are thinking.” This attribute is key to communication.
This episode, although not explicitly about public policy, is helpful for any lawyer or layman in understand how the brain works and how to better communicate and negotiate.
Here is a description of the show:
In the episode, Stephen Dubner talks to Nicholas Epley. Here’s how Epley introduces himself:
EPLEY: I’m a professor of behavioral science at the University of Chicago. I’m in the Booth School of Business, and I study mind-reading.
What’s a B-school professor doing studying mind-reading? Well, as he says:
EPLEY: If you can’t understand what other people think [and] how you’re being seen by other people, it’s very hard to lead or manage them effectively.
Epley has written a book on research in the field of mind-reading, including some of his own studies. It’s called Mindwise: How We Understand What Others Think, Believe, Feel, and Want
. A few things you’ll learn in the episode that you never thought you wanted to know, but do:
A Barry Manilow t-shirt can teach us a lesson about the spotlight effect.
Stephen Dubner is a “fanilow” (sort of).
“Another One Bites the Dust” — when played backward — contains a secret message that, in the end, may help people communicate better.