Sequester Disaster

Our political leaders “lack courage” and have let government go “off the rails,” so says conservative commentator Ben Stein. According to Stein, the sequester represents how ideological rigidity has led to Washington dysfunction. Stein quotes two great Americans, Mick Jagger and Abraham Lincoln, along the way and concludes with the homage to Larry the Cable Guy:

“Senators, Congressmen and women, Mister President, get back to Washington D.C., and get to work. Compromise. Work like you love America.

And get it done”

This brief (2:30) video was part of the weekly commentary segment on CBS Sunday Morning.

Text of the commentary is available here.

The Ivory Tower Half Hour: Sequestration and Hugo Chavez’s Death

The Ivory Tower Half Hour: Sequestration and Hugo Chavez’s Death

Hosted by Barbara Fought, Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University, this powerhouse panel of Tim Byrnes (Colgate University), Bob Greene (Cazenovia College),  Bob Spitzer (SUNY Cortland), and  Tara Ross (Onondaga County Community College), and discuss the fall out of the Sequester and the death of Hugo Chavez. 

This video runs approximately 27 minutes.