Philosophy of Healthcare

Philosophy of Healthcare

The most recent episode of the Philosophy Bites podcast featured an interview with Harvard philosopher Norman Daniels on the philosophy of healthcare.  

Here is a description of the episode: 

Good health opens opportunities to us; poor health closes them down. This suggests that access to adequate healthcare should be part of a theory of justice. Suprisingly this is not a topic that John Rawls addressed in any detail in his A Theory of Justice. Harvard philosopher Norman Daniels discusses justice, inequality,  and healthcare in this episode of the Philosophy Bites podcast. The interviewer is David Edmonds.

H.L.A Hart and Legal Philosophy

H.L.A Hart and Legal Philosophy

Earlier today, the Philosophy Bites podcast sat down with Law Professor Nicola Lacey to discuss H.L.A Hart’s legal philosophy, particularly his legal positivism. 

Here is a description of the podcast: 

Nicola Lacey, author of a biography of the legal philosopher H.L.A. Hart, discusses his legal positivism with Nigel Warburton in this episode of the Philosophy Bites podcast. 

Listen to Nicola Lacey on H.L.A. Hart on Legal Positivism

An earlier interview with Nicola Lacey on Criminal Responsibility