60 Minutes on Tax Fraud

Recently, 60 Minutes ran a story about prevalent IRS identity scam.

Here is a how the story began:

There have been lots of stories over the past few months on identity theft and how the information can be used against you. You may have heard something about stolen identity tax fraud. You may even have been a victim of it. It’s the biggest tax scam around now.

This is how it works. Someone steals your identity, files a bogus tax return in your name before you do and collects a refund check from the IRS. It’s so simple, you would think it would never work, but it does. It’s been around since 2008, and you’d think the IRS would have come up with a way to stop it, it hasn’t. Instead the scam has gone viral, tripling in the past three years.

The IRS estimates that it sent out nearly three million fraudulent refunds to con artists last year. And according to a new report from the Government Accountability Office out tomorrow, it cost tax payers $5.2 billion. The Treasury Department believes the numbers are much higher than that. Proving once again, what every con man already knows: there is no underestimating the general dysfunction and incompetence of government bureaucracy.

The Credit Card Black Market

The Credit Card Black Market

Interested in where you can purchase your credit card number? Want to know how/where your credit card number can be attained? This Planet Money podcast discusses the stole credit card black market. Here is a description of the podcast: 

If you know the right people — and if you can get other criminals to vouch for you — you can go online and buy huge bundles of stolen credit cards.

As it turns out, Planet Money knows the right people.

On today’s show, we sit in with Keith Mularski of the FBI. Mularski got so deep into this world that he wound up running a major criminal website.

He takes us to a giant online mall for stolen credit cards, where vendors offer discounts for repeat customers and banners advertise hacking and phishing tutorials.

Dominos Pizza, Identity Theft, and Spring Break

Dominos Pizza, Identity Theft, and Spring Break

As we head into spring break, I figured I’d bring a little levity to the blog.  This episode of The Moth’s storytelling podcast features a hapless college student whose spring break plans are dashed by identity theft.  Desperate and with a lot of time on his hands, the protagonist decides to investigate the crime, which he realizes was committed by the hands of a Diminos pizza employee.