Shields and Brooks on Filibuster Reform

Shields and Brooks on Filibuster Reform

Last night’s episode the PBS News Hour featured Syndicated columnist Mark Shields and New York Times columnist David Brooks who discussed Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid’s filibuster reforms, the so-called “nuclear option.”

Here is a description of the segment: 

Syndicated columnist Mark Shields and New York Times columnist David Brooks join Judy Woodruff to discuss their takes on Senate Democrats’ move to invoke the “nuclear option” and how that rule change will affect partisanship. They also look back at how President John F. Kennedy shaped public service in America.

Planet Money: “Schoolhouse Rock Is A Lie”

Planet Money: “Schoolhouse Rock Is A Lie”

NPR’s Planet Money podcast recently reran an episode titled: “School House Rock Is A Lie (Or, How The Filibuster Ate Washington.)” As the Senate debates filabuster reform, this entertaining story is worth a listen.

Here is a description of the podcast:

On our show today, we tell you everything you need to know about the filibuster, including:

  • What Schoolhouse Rock didn’t tell us
  • Why Aaron Burr and Jimmy Stewart are the two great villains in filibuster history
  • How Senators can now filibuster bills without having to talk for hours on end