Enforcing the ADA Through Lawsuits

Enforcing the ADA Through Lawsuits

Recently, I was reminded of a segment on This American Life about how California enforces the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  In California, you can sue businesses that do not comply with the ADA requirement of minimum levels of accessibility in public places. 

Here is a description of the segment, titled “The Squeaky Wheelchair Gets the Grease”: 

In California, a kind of crybaby cottage industry has popped up around, of all things, the Americans with Disabilities Act—the federal law that requires all public places to meet a minimum level of accessibility. Some people make a living by suing business owners for not being up to code. Alex MacInnis hung out with one of them. (16 minutes)

Senate Hearing on Federal Disability Insurance Program

There is a hearing today on the Federal Disability Insurance Program, which could become the first government benefits program to run out of money. CBS’s 60 Minutes devoted its first segment last night to the upcoming hearing.  The segment features Administrative Law Judges and Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma. The Administrative Law Judges stated that attorneys represent many more people now than in the past, and implied this is part of the reason that those people are able to “scam” the system. However, what she failed to mention was that for an unrepresented person, it would be extremely difficult to understand what was needed to show disability. These lawyers are helping people with disabilities, which need this Program to survive, receive benefits that are provided to help them under this Program. Noticeably, absent are people who would have benefited under this program.

Furthermore, Senator Coburn stated, “If there’s any job in the economy you can perform, you are not eligible for disability.” However, the statute actually states that disability is the “inability to engage in any substantial activity.” There are many situations (especially for those 50 or older) in which the law itself indicates that they are “disabled” even though they can perform certain jobs. A person 50 years old often can perform work of certain types and still be found “disabled,” because it takes into account many factors, including age, education, and work experience. Furthermore, CBS seemed particularly to sneer at a diagnosis of fibromyalgia because there are not any tests. What they fail to say is that there are criteria for diagnosing it. Specifically, there are 18 trigger points, that when pressed can cause excruciating pain in someone with fibromyalgia. To be diagnosed, you must have that pain in 11 of the 18 spots over a 3 month period, and you have to be diagnosed by an acceptable medical source (an M.D., Psy. D., Ph. D., or a D.O.). Additionally, you must prove that you are no longer capable of doing the work that you used to do because of the fibromyalgia.
There is clearly a problem, not that there is fraud in the system, but that there may not be enough money to continue the system. How should we cover the deficiency?


Video of the (three plus hour) hearing, provocatively titled: “Social Security Disability Benefits: Did a Group of Judges, Doctors, and Lawyers Abuse Programs for the Country’s Most Vulnerable?”,can be found here.

For an article criticizing the 60 Minutes segment, see the Los Angeles Times article entitled, “‘60 Minutes’ Shameful Attack on the Disabled.”

For more on the supposed “disability boom,” here is a link to a SLACE Archive post about a This American Life episode titled “Trends with Benefits” and a preview of the episode  from the Planet Money podcast.

Robotic Breakthrough

Robotic Breakthrough

Last weekend, 60 Minutes re-ran a story about a robotic breakthrough that may revolutionize prosthetics.

Here is an introduction to the story: 

In a decade of war, more than 1,300 Americans have lost limbs on the battlefield. And that fact led the Department of Defense to start a crash program to help veterans and civilians by creating an artificial arm and hand that are amazingly human. But that’s not the breakthrough. We don’t use that word very often because it’s overused. But when you see how they have connected this robotic limb to a human brain, you’ll understand why we made an exception.


As we reported last December, to take this ultimate step they had to find a person willing to have brain surgery to explore new frontiers of what it is to be human. That person would have to be an explorer with desperate need, remarkable courage and maybe most of all, a mind that is game.


The person they chose is Jan Scheuermann, a Pittsburgh mother of two and writer, with a mind nimble enough to match wits on “The Wheel of Fortune” in 1995.

The Disability Boom: America’s De Facto Welfare System

The Disability Boom: America’s De Facto Welfare System

After a half of year of investigation, Planet Money’s Chana Joffe-Walt reports a disturbing trend in the American economy-the constantly increasing number of of Americans receiving federal disability payments. The number Americans on disability has doubled in the last fifteen years. Currently, there are fourteen million people receiving disability payments, nearly a quarter of all adults in some towns and counties. The Planet Money team argues that the disability system has become a de facto welfare system and an economically inefficient one at that. The causes of this startling trend include the changing economy, lawyers, and, surprisingly, kids.
The results of Joffe-Walt’s findings will be on NPR all week this week. The full story was the focus of This American Life (59:17 minutes). A preview of the story is available on the Planet Money Podcast (13:38 minutes). The Planet Money website includes some fairly startling graphs about the problem. Finally, parts of the story will also be featured on All Things Considered.