The Ivory Tower Half Hour: Sequestration and Hugo Chavez’s Death

The Ivory Tower Half Hour: Sequestration and Hugo Chavez’s Death

Hosted by Barbara Fought, Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University, this powerhouse panel of Tim Byrnes (Colgate University), Bob Greene (Cazenovia College),  Bob Spitzer (SUNY Cortland), and  Tara Ross (Onondaga County Community College), and discuss the fall out of the Sequester and the death of Hugo Chavez. 

This video runs approximately 27 minutes.

David Strauss: “Campaign Finance First Principles”

David Strauss: “Campaign Finance First Principles”

University of Chicago Law Professor David Strauss discusses how an ideal democracy would regulate its elections.  Strauss argues that the problem with American campaign finance laws stems from a fundamental distinction that the Supreme Court made in Buckley v. Valeo– between equality and corruption. Buckley held that the only legitimate end of campaign finance reforms laws was to prevent corruption and the appearance of corruption.  However, equalizing candidates ability to be influential is not a legitimate interest of campaign finance reform.   The Court held that “the concept that government may restrict the speech of some [in] order to enhance the relative voice of others is wholly foreign to the First Amendment.”

Strauss says that this was the original sin of the Court’s campaign finance jurisprudence.  “Equalization” is precisely what campaign finance reform law should do.


It is a law lecture that is  57:55 min.

“The Ivory Tower Half Hour”: Abortions, Cigarettes, and Health Insurance

“The Ivory Tower Half Hour”: Abortions, Cigarettes, and Health Insurance

Hosted by David Rubin, Dean of the Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University, this powerhouse panel of Lisa Dolak (Syracuse University College of Law), Tim Byrnes (Colgate University), Bob Spitzer (SUNY Cortland), Tara Ross (Onondaga County Community College), and  Kristi Andersen (Syracuse University) discuss Gov. Cuomo’s proposed abortion reforms and increased health insurance costs for smokers.