Fareed’s Take: “Restoring the American Dream”

Fareed’s Take: “Restoring the American Dream”

Yesterday, Fareed Zakaria GPS began with “Fareed’s Take” on poverty, education and the American Dream.

Here is a description of the commentary:

recent OECD report points out that the U.S. is one of only three rich countries that spends less on disadvantaged students than others, largely because education funding for elementary and secondary schools in America is tied to local property taxes. So by definition, poor neighborhoods end up with badly funded schools. In general, America spends lots of money on education but most of it is on college education and most is directed towards those already advantaged in various ways.

What’s clear from all this research is that countries that invest more heavily in all their children’s health care, nutrition, and education, well-being more generally end up with a much stronger ladder of opportunity and access than America. Now, that is something we can change and with relatively little money. So if we want to restore the American dream, we now have the beginnings of a path forward.

For more, read the Washington Post column


Story of the day: Mean Mom Genes

Story of the day: Mean mom Genes

NPR’s All Things Considered ran a story about how, according to neutroscientists, tough economic times could affect parenting, specifically mothering.

Here is the introduction to segment:

A gene that affects the brain’s dopamine system appears to have influenced mothers’ behavior during a recent economic downturn, researchers say.

At the beginning of the recession that began in 2007, mothers with the “sensitive” version of a gene called DRD2 became more likely to strike or scream at their children, the researchers say. Mothers with the other “insensitive” version of the gene didn’t change their behavior.

But once it appeared that the recession would not become a full-fledged depression, the “sensitive” mothers became less likely than “insensitive” mothers to engage in harsh parenting.

“You have the same genes, and with a different environment it’s a completely different story,” says Irwin Garfinkel, a professor of contemporary urban problems at Columbia University. “I think that’s the most amazing part of what we found.”

The Ivory Tower Half Hour: Detroit’s Bankruptcy and Syracuse’s Murder Rate

The Ivory Tower Half Hour: Detroit’s Bankruptcy and Syracuse’s Murder Rate


Hosted by David Rubin, Dean of the Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University, this powerhouse panel of Bob Spitzer (SUNY Cortland), Tim Byrnes (Colgate University), Bob Greene (Cazenovia College), Tara Ross (Onondaga County Community College), and Kristi Andersen (Syracuse University) discuss the new face of the Detroit’s bankruptcy and Syracuse’s murder rate (although unfortunately the panel does not discuss Syracuse Truce).

Here is a description of the program:

 The panelists examine the challenge of bankruptcy facing Detroit—and perhaps Syracuse at some point down the road. They debate who was responsible for the fiscal problems and how best to dig out. Then the panelists offer advice to the Syracuse Chief of Police and the Mayor on how to combat the murder rate in the city, which is the highest for any city in the state.


This video runs approximately 27 minutes.


“What Happened To Detroit’s Big Plans?”

“What Happened To Detroit’s Big Plans?”

That was the title of the most recent episode of the Planet Money podcast.  In the wake of Detroit’s bankruptcy, the Planet Money team explores why no “silver bullet” has been able to solve MoTown’s woes.  

Here is a description of the show: 

In the last 50 years, there have been many plans to save Detroit. People use words like “renaissance,” “revival,” and “catalyst” to describe them.

On today’s show, we visit the places these plans were meant to change, and we talk to an urban planner about why these grand dreams didn’t turn out the way the city hoped.

Planet Money Shorts: Danger, Death and Crime

Planet Money Shorts: Danger, Death and Crime

Several months ago, NPR’s Planet Money ran an episode with four five minute stories about danger, death, and crime. 

Here is a description of the podcast: 

1. Why Is The Government In The Flood Insurance Business? The quick answer to why the government sells flood insurance: a hugely damaging hurricane named Betsy.

2. Should Gun Owners Have To Buy Liability Insurance? Most states require car owners to have liability insurance to cover damages their vehicles cause to others; some economists think we should require the same for gun owners.

3. Lance Armstrong’s Confession Could Cost Him Millions How one interview could mean he’ll have to pay back all the money the U.S. Postal Service and others paid to sponsor his cycling career.

4. How Happy Is America? The government is considering adopting a national happiness index. But how do you measure happiness?