Morality of Environmentalism

Morality of Environmentalism

Recently, the Philosophy Bites podcast discussed “Green Virtues” with NYU Law and Philosophy Professor Dale Jamieson. Here is description of the interview: 

How should we live? This is a basic philosophical question, but at at time when human beings’ actions are devastating the environment, we need to cultivate specific virtues, green virtues. Dale Jamieson outlines some of these virtues in this episode of thePhilosophy Bites podcast.

Anderson Cooper Interviews Zimmerman Juror

Anderson Cooper Interviews Zimmerman Juror

In a truly stunning interview, CNN’s Anderson Cooper interviewed a member of the Zimmerman jury.  The juror defends the acquittal decision. The interview is stunning both because of the juror’s answers and Cooper’s inability to ask obvious follow-up questions. Here is a sample of some of the more noteworthy quotes from the interview: 

  • In the second part of the interview, the juror told Cooper she thought Zimmerman’s “heart was in the right place” on the night he shot and killed Martin and the only thing he is guilty of is “not using good judgement.”
  • She said she thought he had “every right so carry a gun,” adding, “I think it’s everyone’s right to carry a gun. 
  • She reiterated that she did not think race played a role in the case. “I think if there was another person, Spanish, white, Asian, if they came in the same situation where Trayvon was,” she said, “I think George would have reacted the exact same way.” 

  • The juror hedged a bit when Cooper asked her whether she would feel comfortable having Zimmerman on “neighborhood watch” in her community saying it would be OK “as long as he didn’t go too far.” She eventually said she thought he’d “learned his lesson” and after the trial “would be more responsible than anyone else on the planet right now.”

Nurse Serial Killer Interviewed on 60 Minutes

Nurse Serial Killer Interviewed on 60 Minutes

Last night, 60 Minutes re-aired a segment titled “Angel of Death,” the story of Charles Cullen.  Cullen was a critical care nurse who has admitted killing up to forty people.  

Here is a description of the story: 

Tonight you’re going to come face-to-face with a serial killer, one of the most prolific in U.S. history. Serial killers don’t usually talk to reporters. In fact this story, which first ran in April, was the first time in the 45 years of 60 Minutes that we ever interviewed one.


Charles Cullen was a critical care nurse who admits to killing up to 40 people. Some suspect it was a lot more. The murders took place over 16 years in seven different hospitals. There were suspicions at nearly all of them that Cullen was harming patients, yet none of them passed that information on to subsequent employers. Newspaper headlines called him “The Angel of Death,” but as you will see, Charles Cullen was no mercy killer. Until we interviewed him four months ago, he had never spoken publicly about his crimes, never tried to explain why he did it, or even express remorse to the families of victims when he finally faced them in court.

Economist Approach to Climate Change

Economist Approach to Climate Change

Recently, NPR’s Planet Money team discussed the economics of climate change legislation.  

Here is a description of the story: 


Climate change seems like this complicated, intractable problem. But maybe it doesn’t have to be.


On today’s show, we talk to a couple economists about a very simple idea that could solve the climate-change problem: Tax carbon emissions.


A carbon tax could be paired with cuts in the income tax. And it would drive down emissions without picking winners or losers, and without creating complicated regulations.