The Ivory Tower Half Hour: Detroit’s Bankruptcy and Syracuse’s Murder Rate

The Ivory Tower Half Hour: Detroit’s Bankruptcy and Syracuse’s Murder Rate


Hosted by David Rubin, Dean of the Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University, this powerhouse panel of Bob Spitzer (SUNY Cortland), Tim Byrnes (Colgate University), Bob Greene (Cazenovia College), Tara Ross (Onondaga County Community College), and Kristi Andersen (Syracuse University) discuss the new face of the Detroit’s bankruptcy and Syracuse’s murder rate (although unfortunately the panel does not discuss Syracuse Truce).

Here is a description of the program:

 The panelists examine the challenge of bankruptcy facing Detroit—and perhaps Syracuse at some point down the road. They debate who was responsible for the fiscal problems and how best to dig out. Then the panelists offer advice to the Syracuse Chief of Police and the Mayor on how to combat the murder rate in the city, which is the highest for any city in the state.


This video runs approximately 27 minutes.


“What Happened To Detroit’s Big Plans?”

“What Happened To Detroit’s Big Plans?”

That was the title of the most recent episode of the Planet Money podcast.  In the wake of Detroit’s bankruptcy, the Planet Money team explores why no “silver bullet” has been able to solve MoTown’s woes.  

Here is a description of the show: 

In the last 50 years, there have been many plans to save Detroit. People use words like “renaissance,” “revival,” and “catalyst” to describe them.

On today’s show, we visit the places these plans were meant to change, and we talk to an urban planner about why these grand dreams didn’t turn out the way the city hoped.

Bioethicist and Her Quadriplegic Husband

Bioethicist and Her Quadriplegic Husband

Recently, Fresh Air‘s Terry Gross interviewed bioethicists Margaret Battin. Battin, a right to die advocate, now navigates the intersection between theory and practice has she attends to her quadriplegic husband.

Here is a description of the interview:

After writing books and essays about end-of-life issues, and advocating for the right to die, bioethicist Margaret Battin is wrestling with the issue in her own family. Her husband, Brooke Hopkins, an English professor at the University of Utah, where she also teaches, broke his neck in a bicycle accident in 2008, leaving him with quadriplegia and dependent on life support technology. In order to breathe, he requires a ventilator some of the time and a diaphragmatic pacer all the time. He receives his nutrition through a feeding tube.

Hopkins’ living will gives him the right to decline this technology, and although he’s chosen to keep living, there have been times he’s told his wife he wants to die, and she’s had to decide how literally to interpret his words.

In her academic life, Battin has also had to reflect on the positions she’s taken in the past to see if she still believes in them. She and her husband are in their early 70s. She’s a distinguished professor of philosophy and still teaches full time. When Hopkins is doing well, and not suffering from one of the many infections that have plagued him since the accident, he’s able to do some teaching from his home, talk with friends who come to visit, go in his wheelchair on walks with his wife and even occasionally get taken to a concert or museum.

Battin and Hopkins were profiled in the cover story of last Sunday’s New York Times Magazine. Battin tells Fresh Air‘s Terry Gross about what happened right after the accident, and the responsibility of deciding if someone is genuine in their wish to die.

Orange is the New Black

Recently, Netflix release its original series “Orange is the New Black.” This engaging comedy-drama is about a federal woman’s prison. The show discusses many issues that are central to sentencing and prison reform.