Sunday Funday: The Daily Show on AZ’s Anti-Gay Bill

Sunday Funday: The Daily Show on AZ’s Anti-Gay Bill

Earlier this week SLACE discussed a bill, SB 1062, passed by the Arizona Legislation that, by the end of the week, was widely viewed as being anti-gay.  As of last Monday, when the SLACE post was published, the bill was awaiting enactment through the signature of Arizona Governor Jan Brewer.  In the interim, a strange turn of events came to fruition.  The bill was lambasted as being discriminatory, and even some of the legislatures who voted for it repudiated their votes and urged the governor to veto the bill. Gov. Brewer did eventually veto the bill.  However, before tearing the bill out of the legislative history and tossing it to the trash bin of bad ideas, here is a clip from The Daily Show lampooning the failed bill and pointing out the hypocrisy that sounded it.  

“The Morality of Nationalism”

“The Morality of Nationalism”

That was the issue being debated on the BBC’s Moral Maze podcast.  An appropriate topic given the current state of affairs in the Ukraine, where nationalism plays a central role.  

Here is a description of the podcast from the BBC website: 

This week the Moral Maze looks at the morality of nationalism. In Ukraine and the UK people are fighting and in the former case dying over the idea and the ideals of nationhood. Those are just the biggest headlines today; without pausing to think too hard you might add Syria, the Basque and Catalan regions of Spain and Tibet to the list and that’s just from the news in the last seven days – let alone going further back in history to the breakup of Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Chechnya and Ireland. Nationalism and the struggle for national identity is a complex moral puzzle. What makes nationalism such a powerful and morally problematic force in our lives is the interplay of old feelings of communal loyalty and relatively new beliefs about popular sovereignty. On the one hand it undoubtedly expresses something deep in human nature – a yearning for self-determination and justice. But it can also come with darker tribal undertones of “us” and “them” and has been seen all too often through ethnic cleansing and genocide. To what extent should people be permitted to act on the basis of loyalty to those to whom they are specially related by culture, race or language? Are there benign forms of nationalism? Should enlightened people repudiate nationalism? What value should we attach to cultural diversity? Given the current examples of how nationalism can sometimes seem to be a force for good, and sometimes a force for very great evil what are the moral underpinnings of nationalism?

Combative, provocative and engaging debate chaired by Michael Buerk with Melanie Phillips, Anne McElvoy, Matthew Taylor and Giles Fraser.

Witnesses are John Breuilly, Edward Lucas, Philippe Legrain and Gideon Calder

Freakonomics on Marriage Part II

Freakonomics on Marriage Part II

Last week, we linked to the first part of Freakonomics podcast on motivations for marriage. This week, to quote the late Paul Harvey, is “the rest of the story.”

Here is a description of “Why Marry? (Part 2)”:

In last week’s podcast, “Why Marry? (Part 1),” we talked with economists Justin Wolfers and Claudia Goldin about how marriage has changed over the last half century. How popular is marriage these days? Are married people happier? Isdivorce as prevalent as we hear?

Now it’s time for “Why Marry? (Part 2).” (You can download/subscribe at iTunes, get the RSS feed, listen via the media player above, or read the transcript.) With the U.S. marriage rate at an all-time low, around 50 percent, we try to find out the causes, and consequences, of the decline of the institution.

First, to get a picture of who marries today and who does not, we talk with Ivory Toldson, a professor of counseling psychology at Howard University and research analyst at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation. He tells us:

TOLDSON: People who are less educated tend to be married less than people who are more educated. People who have higher incomes are more likely to be married than those who have lower incomes. And people in smaller cities are more likely to be married than people in larger cities. And that’s true across all races.

One area of particular interest to Toldson is the marriage rate among African-Americans. He talks about his research into the question “Are there enough successful black men for the black women who want them?” The answer is nuanced — but surprising nonetheless.

We also hear from Celinda Lake, a Democratic pollster and strategist and co-author of the bookWhat Women Really Want. Lake has spent much of her career looking into the intersection of marriage and politics. For instance:

LAKE: We asked married men and married women: Do you usually vote the same way as your spouse? And 73 percent of married men said confidently yes, and 49 percent of married women say yes. And I call that the “sure honey” factor.

Lake talks about one of the most striking consequences of the low marriage rate: the number of unmarried women who are having children. She tells us that in 1980, 18 percent of births were to unmarried women, while the number today is just over 40 percent. There are inevitable economic ramifications to such a dramatic shift:

LAKE: Two-thirds of unmarried women say that there was some basic cost that they had in their families that they couldn’t make ends meet in the last year. They couldn’t pay the bill compared to 40 percent of married mothers.

For  years, marriage has been promoted as a way to fight poverty, particularly for women with children. But would these mothers be better off if they were married? The answer isn’t clear.

What is clear is that the old model of marriage is nowhere near as attractive as it once was. So how about a new model? What would happen if marriage were treated more like an employment contract?

H.L.A Hart and Legal Philosophy

H.L.A Hart and Legal Philosophy

Earlier today, the Philosophy Bites podcast sat down with Law Professor Nicola Lacey to discuss H.L.A Hart’s legal philosophy, particularly his legal positivism. 

Here is a description of the podcast: 

Nicola Lacey, author of a biography of the legal philosopher H.L.A. Hart, discusses his legal positivism with Nigel Warburton in this episode of the Philosophy Bites podcast. 

Listen to Nicola Lacey on H.L.A. Hart on Legal Positivism

An earlier interview with Nicola Lacey on Criminal Responsibility

Sunday Funday: SNL, Nancy Grace and Marijuana

Sunday Funday: SNL, Nancy Grace and Marijuana 

This edition of Sunday Funday brings a Saturday Night Live sketch satirizing Nancy Grace and her tough stance on marijuana.  Grace asks the tough question about marijuana legalization, “what about the babies?”

This post was originally published on the SLACE Archive.  For more public policy related video/audio, be sure to check out the SLACE Archive for daily podcast recommendations.