Welcome from the Editor-in-Chief

To Our Readers:

Welcome to the website for the Syracuse Journal of Law and Civic Engagement, and thank you for your interest and engagement. We hope you will enjoy our interactive and interdisciplinary forum and journal. SLACE is a student-run journal at Syracuse University College of Law, publishing legal scholarship since 2013. Our goal is to publish scholarly works that challenge public conceptions and encourage discourse.

We publish one online volume each year in our journal, while also maintaining an active blog; I encourage you to check them both out. SLACE prides itself on publishing articles that are at the forefront of public discourse today, such as marriage equality, criminal justice reform, judicial independence, and our newest issue on Youth Involvement.

Should you be interested in writing for us, you can find our submission guidelines here: bit.ly/SLACEsubmit.

On behalf of the entire SLACE Editorial Staff, thank you for visiting our website. Please do not hesitate to engage with our material, make submissions or suggestions, or contact us with any comments.


Nicolette J. Zulli
Editor-in-Chief, Issues 5 & 6
Syracuse Journal of Law and Civic Engagement